Human-Object Interaction from Human-Level Instructions

Given human-level instructions, we generate synchronized full-body human motion, finger motion, and object motion to accomplish the task.


Intelligent agents need to autonomously navigate and interact within contextual environments to perform a wide range of daily tasks based on human-level instructions. These agents require a foundational understanding of the world, incorporating common sense and knowledge, to interpret such instructions. Moreover, they must possess precise low-level skills for movement and interaction to execute the detailed task plans derived from these instructions.

In this work, we address the task of synthesizing continuous human-object interactions for manipulating large objects within contextual environments, guided by human-level instructions. Our goal is to generate synchronized object motion, full-body human motion, and detailed finger motion, all essential for realistic interactions. Our framework consists of a large language model (LLM) planning module and a low-level motion generator. We use LLMs to deduce spatial object relationships and devise a method for accurately determining their positions and orientations in target scene layouts. Additionally, the LLM planner outlines a detailed task plan specifying a sequence of sub-tasks. This task plan, along with the target object poses, serves as input for our low-level motion generator, which seamlessly alternates between navigation and interaction modules.

We present the first complete system that can synthesize object motion, full-body motion, and finger motion simultaneously from human-level instructions. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our high-level planner in generating plausible target layouts and our low-level motion generator in synthesizing realistic interactions for diverse objects.

Method Overview

Interpolate start reference image.

Our system takes the initial scene layout and human-level instruction as input, and uses a high-level planner to obtain the target scene layout and a detailed task plan. The low-level motion generator then generates synchronized object motion, full-body human motion and finger motion.


Our model generates realistic finger movements, ensuring more accurate contact and less penetration.


Our model allows for fine-grained control over interaction. We can specify using which hand to interact with the object. We also support using different ways to move the object.


Our model can generalize to different object sizes, shapes, and unseen objects.

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